Da ist ein weng viel ^^
Kalender Script © by Nickel
defined (‚main‘) or die ( ‚no direct access‘ );
$title = $allgAr[‚title‘].’ :: Kalender’;
$hmenu = ‚Kalender‘;
$design = new design ( $title , $hmenu );
$tpl = new tpl ( ‚kalender.htm‘ );
$month = date(‚n‘);
$year = date(‚Y‘);
$gday = 0;
$view = 0;
$eid = 0;
if ($menu->getA(1) == ‚v‘ AND is_numeric($menu->getE(1))) {
$view = $menu->getE(1);
if ($menu->getA(2) == ‚m‘ AND is_numeric($menu->getE(2)) AND $menu->getE(2) > 0 AND $menu->getE(2) < 13) {
$month = $menu->getE(2);
if ($menu->getA(4) == ‚d‘ AND is_numeric($menu->getE(4)) AND $menu->getE(4) > 0 AND $menu->getE(4) < 32) {
$gday = $menu->getE(4);
if ($menu->getA(3) == ‚y‘ AND is_numeric($menu->getE(3)) AND $menu->getE(3) > 2000 AND $menu->getE(3) < date(‚Y‘, (time()+pow(8,9)))) {
$year = $menu->getE(3);
if ($menu->getA(2) == ‚e‘ AND is_numeric($menu->getE(1))) {
$eid = $menu->getE(2);
$arr_month = array(‚1‘=>‚Januar‘,‚Februar‘,‚März‘,‚April‘,‚Mai‘,‚Juni‘,‚Juli‘,‚August‘,‚September‘,‚Oktober‘,‚November‘,‚Dezember‘);
$arr_day = array(‚So‘,‚Mo‘,‚Di‘,‚Mi‘,‚Do‘,‚Fr‘,‚Sa‘);
$days = date(‚t‘,mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year));
$start_col = date(‚w‘,mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year))-1;
$rows = ceil($days/7);
$data = array ();
$data_id = array ();
$aus = array();
//Daten aus der MySQL
$where1 = mktime(0 ,0,0,$month,1,$year);
$where2 = mktime(24,0,0,$month,date(‚t‘,$where1),$year);
$result = db_query(„SELECT *
FROM prefix_kalender
WHERE ((time > „.$where1.“ AND time < „.$where2.“) OR id = „.$eid.“)
AND „.$_SESSION[‚authright‘].“ <= recht
ORDER BY time LIMIT 200“);
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$t_id = $row[‚id‘];
$t_d = date(‚j‘, $row[‚time‘]);
$t_m = date(‚n‘, $row[‚time‘]);
$t_y = date(‚Y‘, $row[‚time‘]);
$color = $row[‚color‘];
$date = mktime(0,0,0,$t_m,$t_d,$t_y);
$data_id[$t_id] = $row;
$data[$date] = $row;
$ueid = 0;
if (substr($eid, 0, 3) == 999) {
$ueid = substr ($eid, 3);
$result = db_query(„SELECT
name, gebdatum, id
FROM prefix_user
WHERE MONTH(gebdatum) = „.$month.“
OR id = „.$ueid.“
ORDER BY MONTH(gebdatum), DAYOFMONTH(gebdatum) LIMIT 200“);
while ($r = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
list($y,$m,$d) = explode(‚-‘,$r[‚gebdatum‘]);
$date = mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,date(‚Y‘));
$dateA = mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$y);
$jetzt = time();
$alter = $jetzt - $dateA;
if ($date > $jetzt) {
$alter = date(„Y“,$alter) - 1970 +1;
} else {
$alter = date(„Y“,$alter) - 1970;
$row = array(
‚title‘ => $alter.‚. Geburtstag von ‚.$r[‚name‘],
‚text‘ => ‚Der ‚.$alter.‘. Geburtstag von [.$_SERVER[„SCRIPT_NAME“]).‘?user-details-‘.$r[‚id‘].‘]‚.$r[‚name‘].‘](http://‚.($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST)‘,
‚time‘ => $date + 99,
‚id‘ => ‚999‘.$r[‚id‘],
$data_id[‚999‘.$r[‚id‘]] = $row;
$data[$date] = $row;
if ($view == 0) {
$title_liste = $arr_month[$month].’ '.$year;
} elseif ($view == 1 && !empty($gday)) {
$title_liste = 'Nur am ‚.$gday.‘ ‚.$arr_month[$month].‘ '.$year;
} elseif ($view == 1) {
$title_liste = 'Liste ab ‚.$arr_month[$month].‘ '.$year;
//Template Ausgabe
$aus[‚MONTH‘] = $arr_month[$month];
$aus[‚YEAR‘] = $year;
$aus[‚TITLE‘] = ($eid) ? $data_id[$eid][‚title‘] : $title_liste;
$aus[‚TITLE_ALIGN‘] = ($eid) ? ‚‘ : ’ align=„center“';
if ($eid) {
$aus[‚DEATIL_DATE‘] = date(‚d.m.Y‘,$data_id[$eid][‚time‘]);
$aus[‚DEATIL_TIME‘] = date(‚H:i‘,$data_id[$eid][‚time‘]);
$aus[‚DEATIL_TEXT‘] = BBcode($data_id[$eid][‚text‘]);
//Marcels Änderungen start
$aus[‚DETAIL_MAX_TEILNEHMER‘] = BBcode($data_id[$eid][‚max_teilnehmer‘]);
$aus[‚DETAIL_TEILNEHMER‘] = BBcode($data_id[$eid][‚teilnehmer‘]);
//Marcels Änderungen ende
//Liste der Tage (Monats-Ansicht)
elseif ($view == 0) {
for($i=0;$i<$days;$i++) {
$date = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$i+1,$year);
$text = ‚‘;
if (isset($data[$date])) {
foreach($data[$date] as $info) {
$text .= ‚‘.$info[‚title‘].'; ';
$aus['LIST_I'] = $i+1;
$aus['LIST_D'] = $arr_day[date('w',mktime(0,0,0,$month,$i+1,$year))];
$aus['LIST_T'] = $text;
$class = ($i % 2) ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite' ;
$aus['LIST_CLASS'] = ($i+1 == date('j') && $month == date('n') && $year == date('Y')) ? 'Cdark' : $class;
//Liste der Tage (Listenansicht)
elseif ($view == 1) {
//Nur ein Tag
if (isset($data) && !empty($gday)) {
$date = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$gday,$year);
$i = 1;
if (isset($data[$date])) {
foreach($data[$date] as $info) {
$text = ‚‘;
$text .= ‚‘.$info[‚title‘].'; ‚;
$aus[‚LIST_I‘] = $arr_day[date(‚w‘,$date)];
$aus[‚LIST_D‘] = date(‚H:i‘,$info[‚time‘]);;
$aus[‚LIST_T‘] = $text;
$class = ($i % 2) ? ‚Cnorm‘ : ‚Cmite‘ ;
$aus[‚LIST_CLASS‘] = ($i+1 == date(‚j‘) && $month == date(‚n‘) && $year == date(‚Y‘)) ? ‚Cdark‘ : $class;
//Ganze Liste
} elseif (isset($data)) {
$i = 1;
foreach($data as $date => $data1) {
$text = ‚‘;
foreach($data1 as $info) {
$text .= ‚‘.$info[‚title‘].‘; ';
$aus[‚LIST_I‘] = date(‚d.m.Y‘,$date);
$aus[‚LIST_D‘] = $arr_day[date(‚w‘,$date)];
$aus[‚LIST_T‘] = $text;
$class = ($i % 2) ? ‚Cnorm‘ : ‚Cmite‘ ;
$aus[‚LIST_CLASS‘] = ($i+1 == date(‚j‘) && $month == date(‚n‘) && $year == date(‚Y‘)) ? ‚Cdark‘ : $class;
} else {
$aus[‚LIST_I‘] = ‚-‘;
$aus[‚LIST_D‘] = ‚-‘;
$aus[‚LIST_T‘] = ‚-‘;
$aus[‚LIST_CLASS‘] = ‚Cnorm‘;
$tpl->set(‚calender‘, getCalendar($month,$year, ‚index.php?kalender-v1-m{mon}-y{jahr}-d{tag}‘, ‚index.php?kalender-v‘.$view.‚-m{mon}-y{jahr}‘, $data));
das was ich meine ist ein bissl weiter wie die mitte!
MfG Marcel